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Listen: How to build your side hustle

Listen: How to build your side hustle

Did you know that nearly half of employed South Africans engage in side businesses? In this episode of the "My Money, My Lifestyle" podcast, I chat about the growth of the side hustle with my guest, business coach and mentor Willem Gous. Willem is...

How to prepare your student loan application

How to prepare your student loan application

The student loan application process can be complex, so do your homework and don’t get caught short. Rising tuition fees have resulted in rising demand for student loans. Standard Bank has noted a surge in student loan applications, including for...

Knowledge is power

Knowledge is power

What do you not know about your finances that may be hurting you? Knowledge is power, so isn't it time to find out? A couple of months ago, a friend of mine sent me the link to neuroscientist Dr Andrew Huberman's podcast on the effects of alcohol...

The best way to fund your holiday

The best way to fund your holiday

Therèse Havenga, Head of Business Transformation at Momentum Savings, sets out how much a holiday can really cost you if you don’t plan ahead. I usually sleep too late when it comes to booking a holiday. I’m so task-oriented at work that holiday...

Maya Fisher-French author of Money Questions Answered

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