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What should be in my financial plan?

What should be in my financial plan?

Pay off debt: It is always best to pay off high interest debt like your credit card. If you want to use your credit card for convenience set up a debit order so that it is paid in full at the end of every month. Emergency fund: Everyone should have...

How do I start investing?

How do I start investing?

You need to take your personal circumstances into consideration but here are some points to consider: Beware of cash: Over time cash will not keep up with inflation so unless you are only saving for one or two years, it is best to invest in a...

Deciding between a unit trust or an ETF

Deciding between a unit trust or an ETF

I recently wrote about how a R200 a month investment became worth R35 000 by just investing investing in Satrix 40, an index-tracking exchange traded fund. I mentioned that the returns could have been even better if I had selected one of the top...

The secret to creating wealth

The secret to creating wealth

Earlier this week I was interviewed on radio about savings accounts for children. I related a story about the savings account I opened for my son -- a story I have written many times. For the last eight years I have invested R200 a month into...

Maya Fisher-French author of Money Questions Answered

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