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Knowing your break-even point

Knowing your break-even point

A small business owner learns the importance of knowing his break-even point Nico Jano runs a waste management business in Pofadder in the Northern Cape which in his words is “making some money”. He is now in a position where he needs to start...

Putting words into practice

Putting words into practice

Putting a personal financial plan into action After writing my review on the South African version of Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover, I received an email from a reader who shared his experience of getting his finances in order after reading the...

What you need to know before turning 40

What you need to know before turning 40

What most 40 year-olds discover is that the choices they made ten years ago are now limiting their options when it comes to retirement, risk and medical cover. When you are in your 20s, it is hard to imagine what it would be like to be 60 years...

Middle-class money worries

Middle-class money worries

More than half of middle-class South Africans believe they will never be financially free, according to the Visa Wealth Worries 2013 survey. “South Africa, and indeed the whole world, has gone through a very tough time over the last few years. We...

Maya Fisher-French author of Money Questions Answered

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