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The simple truth about investing

The simple truth about investing

In late August I attended the Allan Gray Investment Summit which brought together a range of investment professionals. Most of the day was dedicated to experts discussing investment strategies and their top share picks. But it was the final speaker...

Investing in retirement

Investing in retirement

Finding a balance between market returns and a guaranteed income in retirement When you retire from a pension fund or a retirement annuity fund, you are only allowed to take one-third of the value of your fund in cash; the remaining two-thirds must...

Time to put on our big-girl panties

Time to put on our big-girl panties

Women remain financially vulnerable, and it’s time we did something about it. I was reading recently that women are tired of being spoken to differently about finances – treated as if they are different from men. This is an important point. There...

Surviving market turmoil

Surviving market turmoil

In recent weeks, investors have been on a President Zuma-fuelled rollercoaster ride as market valuations and currencies reacted to the political and economic fallout of the Cabinet reshuffle. Everyone is trying to figure out what this means for the...

Maya Fisher-French author of Money Questions Answered

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