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The implications of an unsigned will

The implications of an unsigned will

Only around 30% of people who write up a will actually sign it, but an unsigned will can cause major family dramas. The only things certain in life are death and taxes, as Benjamin Franklin famously said. We will all die at some point, and when we...

Death taxes and fees

Death taxes and fees

Dying is an expensive business, and not only because of the cost of the funeral. There are multiple death taxes and fees that need to be paid when someone dies. If you don't plan for these, they will reduce the value of the legacy you were...

Listen: Drawing up a will

Listen: Drawing up a will

In this podcast Maya speaks to wills and estate specialist Alex Simeonides, CEO of Capital Legacy, about the things to keep in mind when it comes to drawing up a will. Alex answers the following questions: Why are we so afraid to sign a will? How...

Death benefit: what you need to know

Death benefit: what you need to know

After the death of a loved one, you may be entitled to a death benefit. Rita Cool, certified financial planner at Alexforbes takes a look. During what is a very emotionally-charged time, the paperwork which nominees are required to complete in...

Maya Fisher-French author of Money Questions Answered

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