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Can I look after my own pension?

Can I look after my own pension?

Nelson wants to cash in his pension in the hope that he can invest it for better returns. “I have been employed by the government for about 20 years. Recently the government sent a letter showing the amount I would receive if I retired, resigned,...

The best way to preserve your pension

The best way to preserve your pension

David Elliott of Marriott Asset Management explains how to choose between a preservation fund and a new employer’s pension fund when moving jobs When you change jobs, you receive a pension pay-out, but the best thing to do with these funds is to...

Valuing your retirement

Valuing your retirement

We should value our retirement funds as much as we do our homes Last week I received an email from a reader who was falling behind in her debt repayments. Her only solution, she believed, was to resign from her job in order to access her pension...

Maya Fisher-French author of Money Questions Answered

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