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Listen: Living to 100

Listen: Living to 100

More and more people seem to be living to 100 and beyond. Scientists are predicting that the average life expectancy in the UK will hit 100 in 2064. Even today, the chance of a 50-year-old woman living to 100 is almost 1 in 10. For some people that...

Listen: Planning for a lifestyle change

Listen: Planning for a lifestyle change

The Covid pandemic forced many people to reflect on their lives. Not only did we stand still for a moment to take stock, but many people realised that there's maybe a different way to live our lives, prompting some to make a major lifestyle change....

Listen: Ageing with dignity

Listen: Ageing with dignity

This is the first in a series of conversations that Maya (@mayaonmoney) will be having with financial planner Louis van der Merwe of WealthUp around life transitions. This first chat is around ageing. Whether you are the adult child of an elderly...

Listen: Investing in farming

Listen: Investing in farming

“It is not only a crowdfunding platform, but a crowd value creation platform ‒ an ecosystem of partners rather than a conglomerate owning everything.” Farming is becoming an increasingly popular asset class. Crowdfunding for farming ticks many...

Maya Fisher-French author of Money Questions Answered

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