Globally stock markets have been on a rollercoaster ride, and for those who thought crypto assets would offer a safer alternative – well they’ve been along for the same ride. There are many factors driving this volatility and these are going to be...
Listen: Investing in farming
Maya Fisher-FrenchJan 21, 2022
“It is not only a crowdfunding platform, but a crowd value creation platform ‒ an ecosystem of partners rather than a conglomerate owning everything.” Farming is becoming an increasingly popular asset class. Crowdfunding for farming ticks many...
Listen: Are you in a financially abusive relationship?
Maya Fisher-FrenchDec 3, 2021
Are you the victim of financial abuse or are you perhaps unwittingly the abuser? And how would you even know? In this podcast, we discuss the very sensitive topic of financial abuse: how money is often used to control people in relationships. Maya...
Listen: Is cash now trash?
Maya Fisher-FrenchNov 19, 2021
Despite the recent rate hike, interest rates since the beginning of the pandemic have fallen by around 30%. This is great news if you’re borrowing money, but it is pretty dire for anyone investing in cash or relying on income from cash investments....
Listen: How to bootstrap a business with R6 500
Maya Fisher-FrenchNov 5, 2021
In this podcast Maya (@mayaonmoney) speaks to Mantsha Pheeha, a business strategist at Talent Unleashed, about how to bootstrap your startup by creating a pilot project. Mantsha worked with Nocawe, winner of this year’s Absa City Press Money...
Listen: Advance payments on your car finance
Maya Fisher-FrenchOct 25, 2021
We did this podcast a year ago, about paying off your vehicle and home loan sooner – but I thought it was worth sharing again, as Absa has now released updates on its banking app for car finance. Absa car finance customers can use the app to pay in...
Listen: Creating generational wealth
Maya Fisher-FrenchOct 8, 2021
Generational wealth is passed down from one generation to the next. But ultimately it has different context for different people. Generational wealth doesn’t have to be the Oppenheimer’s legacy. It could be leaving your children enough money to buy...
Listen: Global investing made easy
Maya Fisher-FrenchSep 24, 2021
In this podcast Maya (@mayaonmoney) speaks to Warren Ingram (@warreningram), financial planner at Galileo Capital about his new book Global Investing Made Easy. Warren shares his insights into the investment decisions we make, and those we should...
Listen: Top tips for financially savvy kids
Maya Fisher-FrenchSep 10, 2021
Maya (@mayaonmoney) chats to certified financial planner Gugu Sidaki (@gugusidaki) about ways to skill our children so that they can better manage money as adults. Gugu is author of My 3 Piggies, a series of books for kids all about money. Also...
Listen: Juggling motherhood in the gig economy
Maya Fisher-FrenchAug 27, 2021
Mapalo Makhu (@womanandfinance) rejoins Maya (@mayaonmoney) on the My Money, My Lifestyle podcast after taking a break to have her second child. She shares her experiences of having a child while having to meet client deadlines, and emphasises the...

Previous Articles

Listen: Why insurers want us to be vaccinated
Aug 6, 2021
When it comes to understanding the risks in a society, insurers generally offer the best insights. Insurance companies do not have to pay out for deaths that did not happen, and they will apply a risk rating to a behaviour or health status that they believe would...

Listen: Creating a passive income with shares
Jul 23, 2021
In this podcast, Maya (@mayaonmoney) chats to money blogger Brett (@ETFenthusiast) on how blogging helps keep him on track financially, his plans in working towards financial freedom, and which investments he is using to provide a passive income in the future.

Listen: It’s tax time: here’s what you need to know
Jul 9, 2021
Tax filing season opened on 1 July, and non-provisional taxpayers have until 23 November to file their returns. Some people look forward to tax season because they can get a rebate, but for many of us it can feel a bit overwhelming. A particular hot topic this year is...

Listen: How to decide on the right retirement village
Jun 25, 2021
We all go through the aging process, and one of the big decisions we have to make ‒ for ourselves or for our parents ‒ is whether (and when!) to downsize and move into a retirement village. This is not an easy decision and can be further complicated by the different...

Listen: Use the lessons learnt from Covid to improve your finances
Jun 11, 2021
We know from studying history that entire generations can share a similar money attitude or behaviour due to a major financial event that their generation experienced. What effect, if any, will the Covid pandemic have on this generation? In this podcast, Maya...

Listen: Your midlife money makeover
Jun 1, 2021
In this interview with financial planner Kim Potgieter (@KimPotgieterM3), Maya (@mayaonmoney) discusses Kim’s new book Midlife Money Makeover. The book delves into how our relationship with money and those money stories we grew up with either help or sabotage our...

Listen: Transform your relationship with money
May 14, 2021
“So many of us are bonded to our idea of wealth even though it isn’t working for us or the planet, because of the very nature of our relationship with money,” says John Sanei (@iamjohnsanei), futures strategist and bestselling author. “We expect money to fulfil our...

Listen: Why institutions are taking bitcoin seriously
Apr 30, 2021
If you want to understand bitcoin, blockchain and the related crypto-asset world, listen as Chris Becker, blockchain technologies specialist at Investec Private Bank, unpacks the world of blockchain technologies and explains why we are just at the start of a...

Listen: Tax tips for freelancers and side hustlers
Apr 21, 2021
Tax is one of the most important money matters, especially when you work for yourself or have a side hustle that earns you some extra cash. Navigating the tax maze when you don’t just have an IRP5 from an employer can be quite challenging. In this podcast, Maya...

Listen: Investigating crypto scams
Apr 1, 2021
In this My Money, My Lifestyle podcast we delve into the world of crypto scams which seem to be mushrooming everywhere, despite repeated warnings from our authorities. How do these crypto scams work? How do people get lured into parting with their hard-earned cash?...