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Retirement reform going ahead

Retirement reform going ahead

By Vickie Lange, Institutional Best Practice Specialist at Alexander Forbes Last year the tax changes to all retirement funds and the retirement benefit changes to provident funds (together known as T-day changes) which were originally scheduled...

Saving for retirement

Saving for retirement

In Episode 5 of Change in your Pocket, we look at the various options available when it comes to saving money for your retirement. – Video supplied by BrightRock Welcome to The Change Exchange, where we are helping you...

The impact of debt on our retirement

The impact of debt on our retirement

Debt is the main reason people withdraw their retirement benefits when changing jobs, according to key findings of the 2015 Sanlam Benchmark Survey, a comprehensive annual review of South Africa’s retirement industry. After interviewing thousands...

The truth about retirement reform

The truth about retirement reform

Setting the record straight in terms of how the government's proposed retirement reforms will affect you. Over the last few weeks vested interests have tried to create fear and confusion around the proposed retirement reform. Between unions flexing...

The best way to preserve your pension

The best way to preserve your pension

David Elliott of Marriott Asset Management explains how to choose between a preservation fund and a new employer’s pension fund when moving jobs When you change jobs, you receive a pension pay-out, but the best thing to do with these funds is to...

Maya Fisher-French author of Money Questions Answered

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