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Should you take out a building loan?

Should you take out a building loan?

Mputla wrote to me with an interesting dilemma. He is 32 years old, married with two children. In 2016, he and his wife bought vacant land in a security estate with cash that they had saved for several years. The plan was to build within four...

What kind of access bond do you have?

What kind of access bond do you have?

Access bonds have different rules so it is important to understand how yours works. Last month Standard Bank customers received notification that they could choose between two different types of access bonds. While this caused some confusion, it...

How to pay off your home in ten years

How to pay off your home in ten years

By Rudi Botha, CEO of BetterBond If you have a R1m home loan, payable over 20 years at the current prime interest rate of 10%, you are set to pay more than R1,3m in interest by the time you’ve paid off that bond and the home is finally yours. But...

What is FLISP and how do you qualify?

What is FLISP and how do you qualify?

If your household income is between R3 501 and R15 000 per month, you could benefit from a government programme that could help you put a foot on the property ladder. As a first-time home buyer in South Africa, it’s not easy getting your foot onto...

Maya Fisher-French author of Money Questions Answered

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