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The tax relief farce

The tax relief farce

Each year I get particularly annoyed about the falsehood that we receive a “tax relief” – as if Minister Gordhan managed to eke out some extra money for cash-strapped taxpayers. So let’s put it in perspective. Based on last year’s personal tax...

Our million-a-day tax bill

Our million-a-day tax bill

With no particular surprises for taxpayers in this year’s budget, I decided to drill through some of those tax numbers to see exactly how much tax we are now paying. If you add all our taxes together, individuals account for over R700bn in tax...

Receiving a death benefit

Receiving a death benefit

  A reader recently wrote to City Press to question how his late wife’s pension benefit had been distributed and whether it was in accordance with the law. It raises some interesting points about the provision of the law and the role of...

SARS to make money from penalties

SARS to make money from penalties

Tax evaders could pay up to 200% of their taxable income in penalties warns Willem Oberholzer, tax partner at Grant Thornton Pretoria We are not expecting any huge surprises in terms of further taxation from this year’s Budget Speech; what we are...

Minister Gordhan has a fan page

Minister Gordhan has a fan page

Pointers for Pravin Not everyone is going to be a fan of Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan after he announces the budget on 27 February. This year will be a tight budget with less money to go around and undoubtedly higher taxes whether directly...

Maya Fisher-French author of Money Questions Answered

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