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How to choose the right medical cover

Welcome to the Santam Insure Your Future Money Bootcamp with Maya Fisher-French and Mapalo Makhu. This series is designed to guide you through essential financial topics, helpin...

Don’t bet against the rand

In this podcast discussion Old Mutual Chief economist Johann Els explains why he believes we could see the rand strengthen to R14/R15 to the USD.  He explains how a softer US d...

Money Bootcamp: The Foundation of Financial Security

Welcome to the Santam Insure Your Future Money Bootcamp with Maya Fisher-French and Mapalo Makhu. This series is designed to guide you through essential financial topics, helpin...

What your credit score says about you

If you are planning on buying a home, the first thing you should do is go check your credit score. The purpose of your credit score is to inform prospective lenders how much of a risk you present when you apply for a loan.

The best way to achieve a good credit score is by always paying on time, not maxing out your affordability or credit lines and where possible paying more than the minimum amount required.

Your Next Favourite Book

Money Questions?Answered!

In this book, Maya shares her vast knowledge and ability to explain financial concepts in an accessible manner to answer the most common questions she receives around managing money. She also shares her own money journey from finding herself unemployed, with a new baby and a massive overdraft to financial security.