This is the final video in a four-part educational series on the two-pot retirement system for GEPF members. Watch the first video here, the second video here, and the third video here. This video looks at the benefits you will get at retirement,...
GEPF: How savings pot withdrawals affect your retirement
Maya Fisher-FrenchAug 13, 2024
This is the third video in a four-part educational series on the two-pot retirement system for GEPF members. Watch the first video here and the second video here. This video and article look at things to consider before you withdraw your pension...
GEPF: What happens if you resign after 1 September 2024?
Maya Fisher-FrenchAug 6, 2024
This is the second video in a four-part educational series on the two-pot retirement system for GEPF members. Watch the first video here. When the two-pot retirement system is introduced on 1 September, one-third of future pensionable service will...
Understanding the two-pot retirement system for GEPF members
Maya Fisher-FrenchJul 30, 2024
This is a four-part educational series on the two-pot retirement system for GEPF members. Over the next four weeks the various aspects of the two-pot retirement system will be unpacked, and members’ questions will be answered. On 1 September 2024...
Video: How we sabotage our retirement
Maya Fisher-FrenchDec 1, 2022
For most of us, retirement is one of our most important goals. Putting away money for our retirement is probably the biggest investment we will make in our lifetime, yet we find so many ways to sabotage our retirement goals. The most common mistake...
Video: What your credit score says about you
Maya Fisher-FrenchNov 3, 2022
If you are planning on buying a home, the first thing you should do is go check your credit score. The purpose of your credit score is to inform prospective lenders how much of a risk you present when you apply for a loan. If a lender perceives you...
Video: Start that investment debit order today
Maya Fisher-FrenchOct 20, 2022
Setting up a debit order so that you put away a small amount every month into an investment, is an extremely powerful tool for wealth creation. One of the most common reactions I get when it comes to investing, is that it is only for “rich” people....
Video: Avoid family fights with a simple will
Maya Fisher-FrenchOct 6, 2022
According to research by Sanlam, 75% of South Africans do not have a will. Nearly half of those who don’t have a will believe they don’t own sufficient assets to make a will worthwhile, but you'd be surprised at the family fights that can ensue...
Video: Don’t spend yourself poor trying to look rich
Maya Fisher-FrenchSep 8, 2022
In her book Smart Woman, author Sylvia Walker writes about creating your "designer life." She explains that instead of being driven by consumerism, trying to look rich, we can make smart choices and start growing our wealth. For many people...
Video: Scammers play on your emotions
Maya Fisher-FrenchAug 25, 2022
In times of economic stress, we always see an increase in scams. Sadly, scammers are most likely to target financially vulnerable people. There are the loan scams, where the scammers promise loans to blacklisted consumers at low interest rates....

Previous Articles
Video: Compounding turns time into money
Aug 11, 2022
Have you ever wondered why the rich keep getting richer? It has a lot to do with compounding. This is where your money makes more money when you are doing nothing. For example, you have R100 000 in a unit trust fund which is invested in the stock market. That year the...
Video: Should I buy a second-hand car?
Jul 28, 2022
If you want to be a millionaire, you should buy a second-hand car! In the book The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy, the authors studied the behaviour and habits of America’s millionaires. One thing that they found is that...
Video: Financial priorities and how to set them
Jul 14, 2022
When it comes to our financial priorities, there are so many things we want to achieve, such as paying off debt, building emergency savings, investing for our children’s education, paying off the mortgage and still having enough to save for retirement. The pressure to...
Video: Saving for your children’s education
Jun 30, 2022
There is one thing all parents have in common: a desire to give their children a better life, which means that saving for your children's education is crucial. We want our children to stand on our shoulders, and one of the best ways to do that is to give your child a...
Video: Get financially fit for your next holiday
Dec 7, 2021
After living in lockdown for over 18 months, many of us just want to go on holiday. Like any major expense, if you plan for it, it doesn’t have to break the bank. Many tourist destinations and establishments are offering great specials, making it more affordable for...
Video: Plan for retirement
Nov 23, 2021
Retirement is something we can plan for ‒ and the better our planning, the more we get to enjoy our retirement years. In this video, I am joined by Guy Chennells, Head of Product at Discovery Employee Benefits, who will give us some tips around what you need to be...
Video: Five things that derail your wealth
Nov 9, 2021
The difference between someone who is financially secure and someone who is not, often has more to do with avoiding wealth destruction traps than earning a bigger salary or having a windfall. If you want to be financially free, you need to avoid these...
Video: Become a farmer without a farm
Oct 26, 2021
As a smart person once said, diversification is the only free lunch. And if the current coronavirus crisis has taught us anything, it is to make sure our investments are diversified. The idea behind diversification is that it spreads our risk. When it comes to...
Video: Five ways to trick yourself into saving
Oct 12, 2021
Behavioural scientists have found that we feel loss far more greatly than gain, which is why the idea of cutting back on our lifestyle makes us very unhappy. We feel the sacrifice immediately but only reap the benefits in the future. While it may be a tough ask to...
Video: Home loan tips
Sep 28, 2021
Buying a home is a major financial commitment. While the rate of interest on a home loan is lower than for other forms of credit, the length of time it takes to pay off the loan means you end up paying a hefty interest bill. By reducing your interest rate, you can...