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Consumer Commission gone AWOL

Consumer Commission gone AWOL

“How can I get hold of the National Consumer Commission? Twice I called and both times was put on eternal hold. The last time I called it went straight to a voicemail facility. The fax line is not accepting faxes and the email address on the...

Why companies pay you to be healthy

Why companies pay you to be healthy

Many medical schemes and life insurance companies offer wellness incentive programmes to their clients. Considering the monthly membership fee is usually less than R200 a month per family, it is insignificant compared to the value of the discounts...

Loyalty points in the afterlife

Loyalty points in the afterlife

“What happens to your loyalty points when you die?” asks a reader Maya replies: This is an excellent question especially if you are someone who has built up significant loyalty rewards through your bank account or credit card as these rewards could...

Test out your stock picking skills

Test out your stock picking skills

Facebook fans can vote for their favourite stock picks over a nine-month period on The iTrade Fantasy League and have a chance to win a share of the profits generated from the R1-million share portfolio run by Sanlam iTrade using the top stocks...

Receiving a death benefit

Receiving a death benefit

  A reader recently wrote to City Press to question how his late wife’s pension benefit had been distributed and whether it was in accordance with the law. It raises some interesting points about the provision of the law and the role of...

SARS to make money from penalties

SARS to make money from penalties

Tax evaders could pay up to 200% of their taxable income in penalties warns Willem Oberholzer, tax partner at Grant Thornton Pretoria We are not expecting any huge surprises in terms of further taxation from this year’s Budget Speech; what we are...

Get a Total Money Makeover

Get a Total Money Makeover

How the experience of editing the Total Money Makeover changed the way I view my finances Having written on personal finance for the last nine years and being a financially savvy person, I didn’t think there was much I would learn from working on...

Marriott’s stock picks for 2013

Marriott’s stock picks for 2013

Marriott believes that an investment strategy based on a bottom-up selection of companies that will be resilient to unexpected events, is likely to produce a more predictable outcome Selecting shares which generate reliable income streams and which...

Maya Fisher-French author of Money Questions Answered

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