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Criminals using AI to target retirees

Criminals using AI to target retirees

Criminals are now using AI to create sophisticated phishing emails, build hacking tools and uncover weaknesses in IT systems. While the world marvelled last year at the ease with which artificial intelligence (AI) tool ChatGPT completed tasks for...

Make your first paycheque count

Make your first paycheque count

If you can start to manage your money responsibly as a student or new job entrant, you will be able to start to build long-term wealth. The key to wealth is not how much you earn, but how much you spend. Brenda wanted some advice on how to manage...

Financially stressed out

Financially stressed out

Financially stressed out, drowning in debt and struggling to buy the basics, were the overwhelming results of two separate financial consumer surveys recently released. DebtBusters’ second annual Money-Stress Tracker, which surveyed 35 000...

Scams masquerading as stokvels

Scams masquerading as stokvels

Several scams have claimed to be stokvels in an attempt to gain legitimacy. The word stokvel tends to be used very loosely by people who are trying to legitimise a scam. At no point did United African Stokvel (UAS) ever operate as a stokvel. It was...

Cybercrime syndicates running rampant in SA

Cybercrime syndicates running rampant in SA

Recent data from TCG Forensics shows that South Africa is being overrun by cybercrime syndicates, with the country rapidly emerging as the ‘cybercrime capital’ of Africa. South Africa is poised to surpass Nigeria and its notorious ‘Nigerian Prince’...

Tax refund delays causing frustration

Tax refund delays causing frustration

Tax practitioners have been raising concerns about tax refund delays, while SARS says it is dealing with the challenges. While 90% of tax returns are processed without further verification by SARS, those taxpayers who are identified for further...

Why the NHI Bill is unworkable

Why the NHI Bill is unworkable

Jacqui Nel of Aon South Africa looks at some of the issues surrounding the implementation of the NHI Bill. On 12 June 2023, Parliament passed the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill, and many stakeholders in the healthcare industry are concerned...

Maya Fisher-French author of Money Questions Answered

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