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New search engine for unclaimed benefits

New search engine for unclaimed benefits

Over R42 billion of retirement money remains unclaimed, which – according to the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) – accounts for 1.8% of all retirement money. Over the last few years, efforts have been made by administrators of retirement...

Retirement reform going ahead

Retirement reform going ahead

By Vickie Lange, Institutional Best Practice Specialist at Alexander Forbes Last year the tax changes to all retirement funds and the retirement benefit changes to provident funds (together known as T-day changes) which were originally scheduled...

Saving for retirement

Saving for retirement

In Episode 5 of Change in your Pocket, we look at the various options available when it comes to saving money for your retirement. – Video supplied by BrightRock Welcome to The Change Exchange, where we are helping you...

Maya Fisher-French author of Money Questions Answered

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