Want to start paying off your debt but just don’t know where to start? Maya Fisher-French (@mayaonmoney) and Mapalo Makhu (@womanandfinance) provide a step-by-step guide. To join the conversation send us a voice note to 064 554 3959.
Want to start paying off your debt but just don’t know where to start? Maya Fisher-French (@mayaonmoney) and Mapalo Makhu (@womanandfinance) provide a step-by-step guide. To join the conversation send us a voice note to 064 554 3959.
Interesting Info, I would like to find out how do I get to invest for example in TOP 40/50,ETF, INDEX ect, and what are the requirements.
Read this: https://mayaonmoney.co.za/2019/05/how-to-choose-an-etf/