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Listen: Build, buy or renovate? Pros and cons when you need new space

by | Mar 18, 2022

If you’re thinking about moving or perhaps upgrading your current home, the question you need to answer is: should I build, buy or renovate?

Listen: Build, buy or renovate? Pros and cons when you need new spaceThe Covid-19 pandemic changed a lot about our lives. With the flexibility around the working environment these days, many people are looking at either moving or upgrading their spaces. So it’s an appropriate time to look into the various options: whether to build, buy or renovate.

If you’re going to buy, what factors do you need to take into consideration? If you want to expand your current space, how do you finance a renovation and what about the danger of over-capitalisation? If you are renovating to sell, what should you be spending your money on?

Or should you simply take the plunge and build your perfect home from scratch? What are the pros and cons?

In this podcast Maya (@mayaonmoney) speaks to Andrea Tucker, a director at home loan originator MortgageMe, who digs into the nitty gritty of what to consider when answering the question: should we build, buy or renovate?


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Maya Fisher-French author of Money Questions Answered

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