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Possible wealth tax

Possible wealth tax

By Hilary Dudley, Managing Director of Citadel Fiduciary Proprietary Limited On 25 April 2017 the Davis Tax Committee (DTC) released a media statement calling for written submissions on the possible introduction of wealth taxes in South Africa....

Post downgrade, has the sell-off stabilised?

Post downgrade, has the sell-off stabilised?

By Mokgatla Madisha, head of Fixed Interest at Sanlam Investment Management. The downgrade by Standard & Poor’s (S&P) of South Africa’s local-currency debt to one notch above junk (BBB-) and its minority foreign-currency debt to junk status...

Why GEPF members are cashing in

Why GEPF members are cashing in

If you are a government employee, you need to be wary of advisers who recommend that you resign in order to access your pension before retirement. Many commentators have attributed the spate of government employee resignations, just before...

Respect is earned, not demanded

Respect is earned, not demanded

Why finance minister Pravin Gordhan has received the public’s vote. An incident at the Budget Speech dinner, held by Old Mutual and Nedbank on the night of the National Budget address, epitomised for me the change that has happened in our country...

Maya Fisher-French author of Money Questions Answered

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